Blog Post

What leadership is and does

John Maxwell has helpfully defined leadership in terms of influence and has concluded that, because leadership is influence, all of us are leaders whether we realize it or not. If Maxwell is right, and I for one think that he is, then the real question each of us should be…

Blog Post

Recovery of Biblical Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

  The following article was written for a talk I was asked to give at the Reformation Heritage Conference at Wayside Presbyterian Church in Signal Mountain, TN, on October 26, 2024. It is posted here in its entirety. It deals with the doctrine of the sacraments in Reformation and post-Reformation…

Blog Post

Did Jesus do miracles as a man by the power of the Spirit?

One of the more frequent questions that I receive from students in my class on the person and work of Christ centers on whether or not the God-man performed miracles by His own divine nature or as a man working only by the power of the Holy Spirit. The passage…

Blog Post

The Absence of Opposition

I regularly meet with students and friends who are wrestling with whether or not they should leave their job, ministry, church, or whatever current endeavor they may be involved with. In almost every case, the single-biggest issue that is prompting each person’s struggle is the opposition that they are facing.…

Blog Post

Feeling Christ within us

I want you to picture the scene: a pastor is meeting with a member of his congregation who has come to him seeking his counsel. The member has been struggling with assurance of salvation and is asking the pastor for help. The question uppermost in this member’s mind is, “How…

Blog Post

Sin in the Christian life

Many years ago, when I was in seminary, I asked one of my professors what had surprised him most about the church when he had finished his own theological studies and had started serving in ministry. I will never forget his response. He said, “Guy, would you believe there is…