Blog Post

Struggling Well, Part 2

In part 1 of this series, I argued that Genesis 32:22-32 teaches us that God’s people will struggle for as long as they live. They will struggle with the sin that remains within them and with difficult circumstances and events. But the Old Testament isn’t the only place we see…

Blog Post

Struggling Well, Part 1

The very first article I ever wrote for Tabletalk Magazine was entitled “Our Blessed Struggle.” It was published in 2009 (you can read the entire article here) and focused on the story of Jacob wrestling all night with the Lord, which is found in Genesis 32:22-32. In the article, I…

Blog Post

Does Heaven Have Suburbs?

One of the most helpful quotes that I have encountered is from the Scottish Puritan Samuel Rutherford. He said, “Live in Christ, and you are in the suburbs of heaven.” The reason I have found this quote so helpful is because it addresses one of my greatest struggles, namely, the…